Ben Stalheim

Ben Stalheim

Title: Review Editor

Location: San Diego, CA

Expertise & Background

  • Topics of Expertise: Trail running, road running, hiking, backpacking, camping, kayaking, rafting
  • Education: Bachelors of Science in Wildlife Conservation from Humboldt State University
  • Years of Writing: 3
  • Years of Gear Testing: 1
  • Certifications: Wilderness First Aid, CPR, Marine Boating License
  • Previous Publications: Mount Baker Experience Magazine, Birding Magazine

Why I Chose This Career

I wanted to start testing gear to help inform others and myself about the products available. I particularly need camping and running gear that can handle any terrain to access mountain, desert, wetland, and marine habitats. I am excited to share my experience and learn along the way as I work to help the federally endangered Loggerhead Shrike on San Clemente Island in California. 

How I Began My Career

I grew up running in the Cascade Mountains when I was a teenager. That experience launched me into a state of wonder as a runner and biologist. I have since lived and traveled around the country (and world) camping, running, and birding. 

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