Switchback Travel
Switchback Travel
Time spent in the field offers invaluable insights into the performance and reliability of outdoor gear. At Switchback Travel, we take pride in our in-depth reviews. Whether it’s backpacking, climbing, skiing, or any of the other activities that we all love, these articles showcase our experiences—the good and the bad—with thorough write-ups focused on product quality, performance, and value. By constantly trying new products and pitting them head-to-head against our established favorites, we aim to make your buying decision easier. Below you'll find our full collection of reviews, which we've organized into categories: rain shells, insulated jackets, hiking footwear, ski gear, tents, backpacks, camping gear, climbing gear, and cycling gear.
We frequently test gear here in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest, and send it out to remote locations from the Sierra Nevada to Patagonia. If you would like to support our site after reading a review, please use our handy price comparison tool at the bottom of the page or visit our support us page.